
Showing posts from September, 2013

Top 5 yoga poses for beauty

Top 5 yoga poses for beauty Top 5 yoga poses for beauty Mental peace and emotional balance are as important as topical skincare to radiate beauty from within through yourskin.  Here is a selection of Yogic poses and yogic exercises which when coupled with good Ayurvedic skincare tips can produce a startling effect on your skin: Pranayam:  Breathing right is the beginning on the path to healthy skin. Kapalbharti pranayam is known to be the most suited for this purpose. Actress   Shilpa Shetty  has been advocating Kapalbharti and you can easily learn how to do this by doing some research online. 15 minutes every day should be enough you keep your skinglowing and to keep wrinkles and fine lines at bay. Tadasana (Mountain Pose):  Another breathing related pose that lets you focus on deep, rhythmic breathing—an essential element of healthy skin. Uttanasana:  Forward-bending poses such as this one make blood flow into the face faster, bringing with it oxygen and o

Story of Hindustani Classical Music

Vedic Literature The Indus Valley civilization declined around the the first half of the 2nd millennium BC, giving way to Vedic civilization. An important aspect of Vedic religious life was the bard-priest who composed hymns, in praise of the gods, to be sung or chanted at sacrifices. This tradition continued until a sizable body of oral religious poetry had been composed.   This body of chanted poetry grew to massive proportions, and the best of the poems were compiled as an anthology called Rigveda, which was then canonized. The hymns of the Rigveda, the oldest Veda, are addressed to the elements of nature personified as deities, and are prayers for protection from calamities and for attainment of prosperity - material as well as spiritual. The Rigveda came into being between 1500 BC and 500 BC. It was not committed to writing, but the text and the chanting formula were carefully handed down by word of mouth from one generation to the next, up to the present period. The poe
Vedic Literature The Indus Valley civilization declined around the the first half of the 2nd millennium BC, giving way to Vedic civilization. An important aspect of Vedic religious life was the bard-priest who composed hymns, in praise of the gods, to be sung or chanted at sacrifices. This tradition continued until a sizable body of oral religious poetry had been composed.   This body of chanted poetry grew to massive proportions, and the best of the poems were compiled as an anthology called Rigveda, which was then canonized. The hymns of the Rigveda, the oldest Veda, are addressed to the elements of nature personified as deities, and are prayers for protection from calamities and for attainment of prosperity - material as well as spiritual. The Rigveda came into being between 1500 BC and 500 BC. It was not committed to writing, but the text and the chanting formula were carefully handed down by word of mouth from one generation to the next, up to the present period. The poems in

Sex Position-to achieve the Goal

Has it been a while since you experienced that elusive orgasm?  Tried it every way and yet you can’t seem to reach the soaring heights of lovemaking, huh? Well, let’s make it easy, shall we? Try these 10 awesome sex positions that guarantee mind-blowing, bed-rattling, orgasm-filled sex you've never experienced before. The slow climb: Keep a pillow under your butt and lift your hips and legs towards your shoulders.  It stimulates the G-spot and making love becomes so much more erotic.  In this position, you tend to feel more. Ask your partner to slowly mount you and penetrate. Be ready for the best orgasm ever. The doggie drop: No, it doesn’t involve being on all your fours (not you at least).  Lie on your stomach, lift your butt slightly and let him work his moves. It increases friction and guarantees a shuddering ending. Criss cross: It’s one of the most relaxed positions ever. Lie on your back and ask your partner to lie next you.  Ask him to f

Healthy Omelet

How to Make the Perfect Healthy Omelet Weekend brunch would not be complete without the omelet. It’s one of the most flexible dishes and can be dressed up (or down) in a variety of ways. And while it is perfect for brunch, it also makes a great breakfast, lunch, or dinner. When prepared correctly, they are fluffy and soft, and with a few minor changes – can be made really healthy. I like omelets that aren’t too eggy, and that are filled with tons of veggies. The husband loves omelets that are more traditional, with just a few veggies and herbs for texture and flavor. I used to be intimidated by omelets – they seemed so difficult to make perfectly. But thanks to my new partnership with CookingLight , I now have access to their  recipe for a perfect omelet  – which I’m excited to share with all of you! There are four basic steps to making an omelet: Prep work:  Combine dash of salt, dash of pepper, and two eggs (or three egg whites) and (optional – 1 Tbsp low fat m

The Force is in your hands

"The Force" is in your hands  कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी lakShmI in the finger tips, saraswatI on the palm | shaktI is situated in the wrist, it is auspicious to see the hands || कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी, करमध्ये सरस्वती । करमूले स्थिता गौरी, मंगलं करदर्शनम् ॥ karAgre vasate lakShmI, kara-madhye saraswatI | kara-moole sthitA gaurI, mangalaM* kara-darshanaM || * maGgalaM (G = nasal of ka-group in ITRANS, like 'n' in pang, fang, sink, sing etc) there is another variation as it appears in AchAra-pradeepa as follows - करमूले स्थितो ब्रह्मा, प्रभाते करदर्शनम् but i think it makes more sense to use the gaurI. more on that below. this shloka is to be recited in the morning. when you get up, just sit in the bed, don't rush out to get ready. say this shloka with eyes still closed, and open them by the fourth part (mangalaM karadarshanaM) and see your hands and smile. after this still don't rush out, say another shloka (coming up in next post), and THEN get down from

ताकि ग़ायब न हो जाए गौरैया....

ताकि ग़ायब न हो जाए गौरैया.... कभी दिन गौरैया की चहचहाहट से खुलता था. लेकिन धीरे-धीरे ये नन्ही चिड़िया हमारे आसपड़ोस से ग़ायब होती चली गई. न पेड़ बचे और न उन पर निर्भर छोटे-छोटे पक्षी. अब गौरैया भारत का सबसे संकटग्रस्त पक्षी है. उन्हीं में से एक हैं महाराष्ट्र के नासिक के मोहम्मद दिलावर. मोहम्मद दिलावर पर्यावरण विज्ञानी हैं और लम्बे समय से बॉम्बे नैचुरल हिस्ट्री सोसायटी से जुड़े हुए हैं.गौरैया की कमी तो सबने महसूस की है लेकिन गौरैया को बचाने के लिए बहुत कम लोग आगे आए हैं. मोहम्मद दिलावर ने साल 2008 में गौरैया को बचाने की मुहिम शुरू की. वे नासिक में रहते हैं लेकिन गौरेया को बचाने की उनकी मुहिम अब 50 देशों तक पहुंच गई है. इस मुहिम का सीधा उद्देश्य है, गौरेया को उतनी गंभीरता से लेना, जिसकी वे हक़दार हैं. दिलावर ने इसके लिए इंटरनेट पर कई पहल की हैं, ज्यादातर उन लोगों के बूते जो गौरेया से प्यार करते हैं. मोहम्मद दिलावर का मानना है कि गौरैया के बारे में लोगों को जागरुक करना ज़रूरी है. लकड़ी के बुरादे और कचरे से दिलावर ने गौरेया के लिए छोटे-छोटे घर बनाए


Paneer We all Indians love to consume milk and milk products. Since our childhood we are told about the benefits of milk and milk products. Whether it is only milk or a sweet, which is made from milk or used as a base for a vegetable preparation in form of paneer, mawa and cheese, the charm remains same. Milk is rich source of protein and thus adds to our need of nutrients in the body system. Paneer, cottage cheese, chaman, chhena, the homemade white cheese with many names, appears to have always been a part of Indian cuisine. It's origins are, however, the subject of some debate. There are references to a form of paneer in early Vedic literature, but if some culinary historians are to be believed, the making of paneer, or the process of acidulation of milk to yeild cheese, was a gift of the Portuguese. Still others credit the popularity of the soft white cheese in India to Persian and Middle Eastern influences. Then again, paneer also shares many similarities wi

A toilet for you is a toilet for me

"A toilet for you is a toilet for me" People living near open drains, which flood badly during rains, could be prone to fecal matter entering their water and food. Shown above is a slum in Jakarta. Being rich insulates rich Indians from most things... but not from being short. I wrote  earlier this week about new data that showed that districts with the highest levels of open defecation had the highest proportion of stunted children. The point at which explanations for the causes of India’s malnutrition some times break down for me is at the top 5%. The top 5%,  of which you and I are all a part , leads a reasonably good life. So if poor sanitation is linked with India’s low heights, why isn’t someone like me, whose family has been lucky to for three generations have had access to toilets, as tall as a European woman? (I’m not, sadly.) The answer has a lot to do with… well, the nature of poo. Open defecation, says Dean Spears, an economist who has don

Haryana's Murrah buffalo

Haryana's  Murrah buffalo  has emerged as a much sought after animal in the world. With the Murrah's pedigree and machismo gaining popularity, demand for its semen is increasing all over the country. This has forced the Haryana government to boost the annual Murrah semen production capacity to 50 lakh straws (doses) from 32 lakh. Haryana's Murrah buffalo has emerged as a much sought after animal in the world. A Murrah buffalo can produce up to 32kg of milk a day, almost double of an ordinary buffalo. Murrah buffaloes became popular after 2010 Commonwealth Games  when some of Haryana's medal-winning wrestlers claimed that this breed's milk was the secret behind their success. A good Murrah can fetch around Rs 2 lakh. Recently, an Andhra Pradesh farmer had bought a Murrah buffalo from Haryana for Rs 25 lakh. Newly-appointed director general of the animal husbandry department GS Jakhar  said the Hissar-based semen centre would be upgraded with

हुसैन और उनका तिरंगा व्यक्तित्व...

हुसैन और उनका तिरंगा व्यक्तित्व... मक़बूल फ़िदा हुसैन ने पेंटिंग्स की ही तरह अपनी शख़्सियत भी रंगी. उसमें कुछ रंग ख़ालिस थे, कुछ मिलावटी. पेंटर यूँ भी कई रंगों को मिलाकर नया रंग तैयार करते रहते हैं. वे अनूठे रंगसाज़ थे और गज़ब के रंगबाज़ भी थे. भारत में कामयाब आदमी को पूजने या उन पर थूकने की रीत नई नहीं है, जो ग़ैर-परंपरागत तरीक़े से कामयाब होते हैं उनके साथ ऐसा अधिक होता है. हुसैन बेहतरीन कलाकार, पीआर मैनेजर और सेल्समैन तीनों एक साथ थे, और ख़ूब थे. ऐसा अदभुत संयोग कम ही देखने को मिलता है, और इन तीनों में किस में उन्नीस और किस में बीस थे, कहना मुश्किल है. भारत का छोटा सा बच्चा भी सिंदूर पुते हुए पत्थर को देखते ही समझ जाता है कि यह हनुमान है, यह है प्रतीकों की ताक़त जिसका मैं इस्तेमाल करता हूँ ये तीन अलग-अलग रंग हैं, हुसैन ने इन तीनों को इस तरह मिला दिया कि कहना मुश्किल हो गया कि कौन कहाँ शुरू होता है और कहाँ ख़त्म होता है. यही है हुसैन का जिनियस, बाज़ीगरी, कलात्मकता या चालबाज़ी, आप जो चाहे कहें. हुसैन को समझने के लिए इन तीनों रंगों को मिलाकर, और कई ब