
Showing posts from August, 2014

Spectacular Leaf Art by unknown Agra Artist - II


The mathematical formula for happiness

The mathematical formula for happiness What is an instance of happiness? That’s a squishy question philosophers have discussed for millennia .  According to Sparknotes , Aristotle said happiness is an end to itself .  The poet Kahlil Gibran  wrote that happiness “is your sorrow unmasked ,” whatever that means. + Rhetoric aside, researchers at the University College London say happiness (or at least a discrete moment of it) is represented by the formula above,  recently published  in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .  The gist of that formula is this: Happiness spikes when we win and our expectations are low—but that happiness gradually fades over time. + To be clear, the scientists weren’t studying overall life satisfaction, but rather the momentary joy that comes from winning a reward. + With MRI machines, the researchers peered into the minds of 26 subjects who were playing a gambling game. Throughout the game, the computer aske